Fox Fine Jewelry offers free jewelry cleaning and security checks, anytime, regardless of where you got your jewelry. Just stop in!

All jewelry consultants at Fox Fine Jewelry are certified in jewelry and gemology
We’ll inspect the security of your jewelry, looking for worn or broken prongs, so you don’t lose any diamonds or gems. We’re also watching for worn supporting struts or links. For example, a simple repair to fix a worn link can save you from losing your necklace or bracelet!
We inspect and clean your jewelry in full view - your jewelry never leaves your sight. If a repair is needed, we’ll explain what it is and why. We’ll show you the work needed magnified on a microscope, if you like. Then, we’ll give you an exact quote and due date.
"Any time I have taken jewelry in to be fixed, the people at Fox Fine Jewelry have always taken the time to examine my jewelry, listen to what I want and need, and do the job correctly - the first time. I trust them!"